Happy Earth Day Everyone!!
Help celebrate sustainalbility of Earth Day by dining at
The Pike Brewery! 20% of all Erath Day sales in the Pike Pub will be donated to Chefs Collaborative and Matched by Organic Valley. Of course, our full menu will be available all day along with our featured special: 98 Union Salmon
Executive Chef Gary Marx has reinvented this dish that first appeared on our Opening Day Menu in 1996. It is now prepared with only local and Sustainable ingredeients:
Wild Bristol Bay Salmon is stuffed with local asparagus and Gothberg Farms goat cheese, parsley pesto. Organic La Quercia prosciutto is wrapped in organic puff pastry from Seattle's local artisan Grand Central Baking Company and served with a blend of seasoned Bluebird Farms organic heirloom emmer and barley for $17.95